Case testing and generation tools
This code and write-up dates to October 23, 2020. As I prepared another project, I found this draft untouched and have since decided to release it.
Over the past few weeks I’ve engrossed myself in coding challenges: participating and building tools for participants and hosts alike. Initially developed for the Tech With Tim Discord challenges, I’ve packaged all of it into the repository, Cagen.
Cagen includes Challenge, a fast and detailed testing unit for Python that can be augmented with minimal effort, challenge-specific generators (which are largely built ad hoc and of little use to a third party), and gentools, a library of tools to supplement case generators.
The testing unit offers high-precision metrics, control, and speed. Among the many are
Runtime and iteration rate measures with precision up to one thousandth of a second,
Error handling and tracking
Rule violation tracking
Time limit enforcement
Failed case recording
The user’s end is simple.
Paste the solution function into and define the function as solution.
Run the main script
Enter the id of the test you would like to take
More information about Challenge can be found here.
There is only one publicly available tool at the moment of this post, which is binning.
The binning strategy solves a problem in number sampling from a very large range.
We usually represent number ranges as $$x \in [a,b]$$ but we can also use a range of digits $$Z \in [{d_a, d_b}]$$ $$d(Z)=10^{Z}-1$$ $$X \in [d(m), d(M) ]$$
The problem comes as this range grows. The sample becomes greatly biased towards numbers of M-1 length. We can demonstrate this bias with a simple proof.
$$b \in [m, M]$$ $$P(X<10^{b})=\frac{10^{b} - 10^{m}}{10^{M}-10^{m}}$$
Establish the lower bound as some constant.
$$c=10^m$$ $$P(X<10^{b})=\frac{10^{b}-c}{10^{M}-c}$$
$$\lim_{M \to +\infty}P(X<10^{b})=\lim_{M \to +\infty}\frac{10^{b}}{10^{M}}$$ $$=\lim_{M \to +\infty}\frac{1}{10^{M-b}}$$
Take this case
$$b=M-1$$ $$\lim_{M \to +\infty}P(X<10^{M-1})=\frac{1}{10}$$
As M gets large, and m is held constant, all numbers with less than M-1 digits will have a likelihood of selection approaching 0.1.
In order to attenuate to this problem, we can use the binning approach. Binning entails breaking the sample into k sub-samples of equal size that select from different exponent ranges, merging them after to create a metasample.
The likelihood a value comes from some bin's exponent range is proportional to the number of bins.
This solution relegates the problem from the overall sample to each bin, but it still provides a far more equitable distribution of case values.
Cumulative distribution function for a naive generator
Cumulative density functions for each bin
Cumulative density function for a 10-bin sample
Using Cagen’s gentools.wrap module
The basic implementation
Iterable mapping
More Plots
Probability density functions for naive and binned generators from 1 to 10^18
Runtime performance of binning wrapper vs. naive generator as sample size increases.